In the long history of comics, there have been many iconic single pages or panels of memorable scenes. Which is your favorite?

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What online comic media do you follow?

The used to write reviews for, so I look at their site still. I read and for news regularly. Sufi Wire is a good site as well.

If you REALLY want awesome comic conversation, you have to go to the FM radio here in Austin. 91.7 KOOP on Wednesday evenings from 6-7. Amazing comic show. Which I could meet the DJ. ?

-Bryan Spaulding

Through Twitter, I follow @Newsarama, @CBR, @bleedingcool, @01FirstSecond, @geneluenyang, @ZiaComics, @goraina, and naturally @AustinBooks.

-Peter A.

Bleeding Cool online,
And then Comic Tropes over on YouTube for a great and appreciative history of the comics medium.
And for physical reads Alter Ego and The Jack Kirby Collector.

Plus Austin Books of course. ?


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Posted April 20, 2020
